Pharmaceutical analysis : a textbook for pharmacy students and pharmaceutical chemists

'Pharmaceutical Analysis' is aimed primarily at pharmacy students and pharmaceutical chemists. It highlights the most important aspects of a wide range of techniques used in the control of the quality of pharmaceuticals

Includes bibliographical references and index

1. Control of the quality of analytical methods -- 2. Physical and chemical properties of drug molecules -- 3. Titrimetric and chemical analysis methods -- 4. Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy -- 5. Infrared spectrophotometry -- 6. Atomic spectrophotometry -- 7. Molecular emission spectroscopy -- 8. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy -- 9. Mass spectrometry -- 10. Chromatographic theory -- 11. Gas chromatography -- 12. High pressure liquid chromatography -- 13. Thin layer chromatography -- 14. High performance capillary electrophoresis -- 15. Extraction methods in pharmaceutical analysis -- Index

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