Working with children clearance: before you apply


This is a guide for people applying for a working with children clearance in the Northern Territory (NT), also known as an Ochre Card.

You can apply online, in person or by post. Online applications are fast and easy to complete.

To apply for a clearance to work or volunteer with children, read about working with children: apply and renew.

Information checked

A working with children clearance is an assessment of the risk of harm or exploitation that you may pose to children.

It involves a check of:

The check is conducted by the Northern Territory Screening Authority, appointed by the Minister for Children.

The authority works with Screening Assessment for Employment in the Northern Territory (SAFE NT), a unit of the Northern Territory Police.

The information you submit to SAFE NT will be kept private unless it's required by law to be disclosed.

Who can apply

If you are over the age of 15 and seeking to work with persons under the age of 18 you are eligible to apply.

How long your clearance is valid for

Your working with children clearance notice, the Ochre Card, is valid for two years. It's issued by the screening authority.

You can use an Ochre Card issued for volunteering to do paid work with children if you start within the two-year period.

Renewing your clearance

A renewal involves new checks of your police history and employment records. It may take as long as a new application to process.

If you're doing paid work at that time, you must pay the full fee to renew your clearance.

Changes to your clearance

You must tell SAFE NT if you're charged or convicted with a disqualifying offence or appear in court in relation to one.


You may be fined up to $88,000 for working or volunteering with children in the NT without a valid clearance.