Graduate Division

students in the lab

Prepare yourself for graduate school as an undergraduate! APRO has paid internships for undergraduate students interested in graduate school!

student giving presentation on stage at GradSlam 2019 (c) UCR/Stan Lim

Research Ethics Training

A novel, discourse-based ethics training developed at UCR, with the goal of empowering all lab participants to routinely engage in conversations about appropriate, ethical and justifiable research practices.

Become part of a community of practice in this NSF funded research project undertaken by the Graduate Division!

Kevin Pham speaking at Grad Slam 2019

Grad Success at your service!

Grad Success offers a wide variety of
professional development support:
Community and Careers
Teaching Pedagogy
Writing Support
Quantitative and Research Support

ucr sculpture+leaves

The California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education UCR will host the 2024 Diversity Forum on October 19

Student reading at Rivera library

Latinx Research Matters! Graduate Division Celebrates Latinx Research & Researchers

Citrus Bloom on a tree

Are you a Graduate Student or Prospective Graduate Student
who needs academic advice or help with the administrative process?
Reach out to your departmental academic advisor
or faculty graduate advisor for assistance!

Empowering engagement in an inclusive and collaborative research community

The UCR Graduate Division oversees graduate recruitment, admissions, academic affairs, fellowships, grants, employment, and mentoring. Our team provides a range of services
to support graduate student success from the beginning of their graduate career, through the duration of their program at UCR, and beyond their degree completion.

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Funding Opportunities

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GradSuccess supports graduate student retention, degree completion, and post-degree career outcomes through a diverse range of programs, events, expert consultations, and peer support. As graduate students, you are the engine of a research university, and GradSuccess is your fuel.

Meet the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Lidia Kos!

Dean Shaun Bowler (c) UCR/Stan Lim

Dr. Lidia Kos is an experienced Professor of Biology, Associate Dean of the University Graduate School and Associate Vice President of the Office of Research and Economic Development from Florida International University (FIU). She received a BS in Biology from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and a PhD in Neurobiology from UC Berkeley. She was a Fogarty Fellow at NIH where she did post-doctoral studies. Her research focuses on development and pathogenesis of pigment cells. She uses mouse molecular genetics to understand the molecular basis of neural crest differentiation and melanoma. She has extensive experience teaching undergraduate and graduate students in cell, developmental and molecular biology. She has mentored numerous undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdoctoral fellows in her laboratory. In the Graduate School she oversaw over 9.000 students in masters, specialists and doctoral programs. She was responsible for all academic and administrative matters related to graduate education at FIU. She has served as the Executive Editor for the journal Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research and is currently in its editorial board. She has served as a member of grant review panels for NSF, NIH, and AHA and is currently on the NIGMS TWD review panel. She has been funded by NIGMS, NIAMS and AHA and is currently the PI of FL-AGEP and co-PI of an NIGMS T32 and NSF BD training grants at FIU.

Click here for a UCR News segment about the new Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Lidia Kos.