Formation of Insurance Contract

formation of insurance contracts

Law column

Insurance may be defined as a social device that reduces or eliminates the risk of life and property by providing financial compensation for any uncertain misfortune. It is basically a contract between two parties, i.e the insurer and the insured, wherein one party promises to save the other, for compensation called the premium, from the loss caused to him due to some specified contingency. In legal aspects, it is a contract whereby one party agrees to indemnify the other against the loss caused to him due to the occurring of one particular event. An insurer is a company selling the insurance[i], an insured or a policy holder[ii] is a person buying the insurance, and the premium is the amount that is to be charged for insurance coverage.


The concept of insurance had been deep-rooted in the Indian history. We may find the mention of the concept of insurance in the Manusmrithis, Dhrmashastras, Arthshastras[iii], etc. These writings talk in terms of pooling of resources which could be redistributed in the time of uncertainty like a flood, drought, etc.

Insurance law in India was initially developed by British firms. The Oriental Life Insurance Company was the first British Insurance firm established in India in 1818. The first statutory step that India took on the roads of life insurance business was in 1912 by passing the Indian Life Assurance Companies Act, 1912[iv]. The general insurance business on the other hand was primarily carried on by Triton Insurance Company Ltd. which was established in 1850 at Calcutta. The first concrete step that India took on the roads of general insurance was in 1907 by the establishment of Indian Mercantile Insurance Company Ltd.

Eventually, with the growth of the insurance business in India, there was a need felt to bring the other insurances like fire, accident, etc under the preview of Life Assurance Companies Act, 1912. And thus, after various failed efforts, finally in 1938, after the introduction of the Insurance Act, 1938[v], a comprehensive legislation governing the insurance business in India came into existence.

On January1956, the central government nationalized the Insurance Business in India, and took over the management of all the Life Insurance Companies practicing in India. There were around 245 Indian and foreign insurance companies which were taken over by the GoI. Subsequently in September 1956, with the enactment of The Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956[vi], LIC was granted monopolistic control over the life insurance business in India. After the enactment of the LIC Act, the life insurance was taken out of the preview of the Insurance Act, 1938, and that the reason we find so many provisions being repealed in that act. On January 1973 the general insurance business was also nationalized, by the introduction of the General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972. Due to this act the control of over 100 companies was handed over to the government.

Since, 1991, by way of liberalization and privatization various financial reforms were introduced in India. Consequently there was a need felt to let the private players enter in the insurance business in India, as a result of which the Central Government set up the Malhotra committee[vii] to recommend the changes in the insurance business in India. This was a eight member committee which was chaired by, former RBI Governor of RBI. The committee recommended privatization of the insurance sector and establishment of Insurance Development Regulatory Authority (IRDA). Thus, finally by the virtue of Section 30-A[viii] of the LIC Act, 1956 the monopolistic control of LIC on Life Insurance Business was abolished and IRDA Act, 1999[ix] was passed.


Contract of Indemnity:

Aleatory Contract:

A contract of Utmost Good Faith:

A Contract of Adhesion:

Principle of Subrogation:

Insurable Interest:

Double Insurance:



Every insurance contract satisfies all the essentials of a valid contract as stated in the Indian Contract Act, 1872. Section 10 of the Contract Act[xv], provides all the essential elements which are necessary to convert an agreement to a contract. On carefully analyzing Section 10 of the Contract Act, we may find the following essential elements of a contract:

  1. An Agreement
  2. Competency of the Parties
  3. Free Consent
  4. Consideration
  5. Lawful Object

1. Agreement:

As stated under Section 2(h) All contracts are agreements that are enforceable by law.

Contract = Agreement which are enforceable by law

Now a question might arise what an agreement is? The word agreement is defined under Section 2(e) of the Contract Act as every promise or set of promises forming consideration for each other, is an agreement.

Agreement = Promise + Consideration

Now another question might arise, what a promise is? The word promise has been defined under Section 2(b) of the contract act as a proposal when accepted becomes promise

Promise = Proposal + Acceptance

An insurance contract satisfies all the need of a valid agreement. As an agreement requires two parties mutually agreeing to some manifestation, in insurance contract those two parties are the insurer and the insured who agree on the same object i.e. insurance which may be of life, fire, marine, etc. It is also essential that the assent must be communicated, as without communication there can be no consensus ad idem. Now a question might arise as to when is proposal said to be accepted, the answer to this question was given by the court in the case of SR Kharidya vs Max Newyork Life Insurance Company Ltd[xvi]. wherein it was held the mere submission of proposal form and the payment of first premium doesn’t concludes a insurance contract, an insurance contract is said to be complete when the acceptance of the proposal is communicated to the insured as per the mode agreed in the contract. Mere encashment of first premium doesn’t concludes the contract.

2. Competency of the Parties:

Since insurance contracts are also enforceable contract, so it is important the all the parties to an insurance contract must be competent to contract. Section 10 of the Indian Contract makes it compulsory that all the parties to a contract must be competent to contract. Section 11[xvii] of the Act specifies the conditions that make the parties competent to contract. These conditions are:

3. Free Consent:

It is pertinent to note that no contract can be entered by forcing someone into it. No compulsion needs to be there on either of the parties. Section 13 of the Contract Act defines that two or more person are said to consent when they agree upon the same thing in the same sense. Section 14 states that a contract is said to be free when it is not caused by:

  1. Section 15 (Coercion)
  2. Section 16 (Undue Influence)
  3. Section 17 (Fraud)
  4. Section 18 (Misrepresentation)
  5. Section 20, 21, 22 (Mistake)

4. Consideration:

Section 2(d) of the Contract Act defines consideration. Section 25 says that an agreement made without consideration is void, it is nudam pactum. There has to be something for something (Quid pro Quo). In a contract of insurance the consideration is paid in the form of Premium. Bearing of the risk is another form of consideration in insurance contract. Generally consideration in an insurance contract is paid in installments. So now a question might arise that does the encashment of first premium constitutes a valid consideration. the answer to this question was given by the court in the case of SR Kharidya vs Max Newyork Life Insurance Company Ltd.[xx] wherein it was held the mere submission of proposal form and the payment of first premium doesn’t concludes a insurance contract, an insurance contract is said to be complete when the acceptance of the proposal is communicated to the insured as per the mode agreed in the contract. Mere encashment of first premium doesn’t concludes the contract.

5. Lawful Object:

When an object is forbidden by statute, or it is regarded as immoral by law, no contract can be entered into for such an object. Section 23 further gives the circumstances under which consideration or object is treated unlawful:

  1. The act is forbidden by law
  2. Defeats the provision of any other law
  3. Involves fraudulent activity
  4. Is injurious to a person or property
  5. Is regarded as immoral or opposed to public policy.


Procedure for Life Insurance

Filling up of Proposal Form:

Submission of Documents:

Presentation of the proposal form to the agent:

Medical Examination:

Final Scrutiny by the Branch Office:

Deposition of Premium:

Registration of Proposal:

Sending the proposal to appropriate department and taking the final decision:

Final Result:

Issuance of Insurance Policy:

Procedure for General Insurance

Selection of the insurer:

Presentation of Proposal and Evidence of Goodwill:

Recommendation of agent:

Survey of the Subject matter and the report of the Surveyor:

Acceptance of the Proposal and Determination of premium:

Depositing Premium:

Issuance of Insurance Policy:

[i] Section 2 (7A) of the Insurance Act, 1938

[ii] Section 2 (2) of the Insurance Act, 1938

[iii] R.N. CHOUDHARY, LAW OF INSURANCE, 1 (3 rd Ed. 2018)

[iv] Act No. 16 of 1912

[v] Act No. 4 of 1938

[vi] Act No 31 of 1956

[vii] The Recommendation of the Malhotra Committee can be seen here

[viii] Exclusive Privilege of Corporation to cease

[ix] Act No. 42 of 1999

[x] Section 124 of the Contract Act, 1872

[xi] AIR 1942 BOM 302

[xii] (1766) 3 Burr 1905

[xiii] Of the Marine Insurance Act, 1963 (Defines Double Insurance)

[xiv] Of the Insurance Act, 1938 (Defines Re-Insurance)

[xv] Section 10 – What agreements are contracts.—All agreements are contracts if they are made by the free consent of parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object, and are not hereby expressly declared to be void

[xvii] Section 11 – Who are competent to contract.—Every person is competent to contract who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject,1 and who is of sound mind and is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject.

[xviii] (1935) 37 BOMLR 461

[xix] Section 12 – What is a sound mind for the purposes of contracting.—A person is said to be of sound mind for the purpose of making a contract, if, at the time when he makes it, he is capable of understanding it and of forming a rational judgment as to its effect upon his interests

Author: Rohit Jain,
Bharati Vidyapeeth University's New Law College, Pune (3rd Year)